General Requirements

General Expectations For Students

Student's Academic Responsibilities

At Maud Williams High School all students are required to come prepared with the necessary materials and equipment in order to dutifully complete class activities and to engage actively in lessons. These responsibilities include:

  • Purchase and have in posession all textbooks, materials and equipment for all classes.
  • Be persistent in accomplishing academic goals.
  • Be actively involved in class and extra-curricular activites.
  • Meet with the teachers to arrage for missed assignments.
  • Stay on task.
  • Remain focused on learning throughout class time.

Attendance and Punctuality

A student is expected to be regular in attendance and punctuality. Students are only allowed a maximum of 9 absences for the academic year. If a student exceeds this and does not submit proof of a medical certificate, the student will return to school after graduation to work out any amount of absences in excess of the nine days. Students who have an excessive amount of late even though interventions were put in place to decrease this habit and who still continued coming to school late will serve extra hours after graduation. Every three late will translate into an extra hour


Any student who has brought the school into disrepute by deed or action at the Board's discretion, will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony but may be awarded a diploma afterwards provided that all the other requirements have been met.

Financial Commitment

Parents are informed of the account balance when report cards are issued at the end of each semester and at least two months prior to graduation. Parents are responsible to ensure that students have all the material and resources needed for each subject area.